Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Saving on Holiday Gifts- Give Used Toys

I saved $80 on my Christmas shopping this year just by sending an email. I thought the Ikea Lomsk Chair would be a perfect gift for one of my children but the $79.99 price tag put it way outside of my holiday budget. I thought that surely someone had to have one of these bright orange and red chairs and wished that they didn't. I checked Craigslist and I found one but the seller was located too far away. So I send out some emails to local parenting listservs hoping that someone would have one they wanted to sell. No one offered to sell me one but someone offered to give me one for FREE! I cleaned it up and it looks like new.

I have no problem giving my kids used toys as gifts, especially on big ticket items. It saves a lot of money, it is good for the environment and the kids don't care as long as all the pieces are there.

Sources for used toys:
Ebay- Watch the prices. They aren't always good.
Consignment Sales
Yard Sales
Parenting Listservs

UPDATED TO ADD: There is a discussion going on over at Baby Cheapskate about giving used gifts! Check it out here.

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